Know Your Blooms

fresher blooms. Healthier florists.

By sourcing 100% of our product from Midwest farms using sustainable practices, Twin Cities Flower Exchange offers wholesale customers an alternative to the traditional floral supply chain

Over 80% of cut flowers purchased in the United States are grown overseas. Many are produced with a high level of agricultural inputs such as pesticides, fertilizers, and water usage, putting the health of agricultural laborers and local ecosystems at risk. Flowers destined for the United States then make a several-thousand mile journey to reach their final destination. Due to their delicate, perishable nature, blooms must be constantly refrigerated throughout the transportation process and are often packaged in several layers of readily discarded single-use plastic and packaging. From start to finish, flower imports on this massive scale are energy intensive and unsustainable.

The large number of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides used for overseas flower production means that florists who handle those blooms every day have an outsized risk of pesticide exposure. TCFE has a commitment to 100% chemical-free flowers so you do not have to worry about what is being transferred onto your hands and into your studio. You can also feel good about less waste, safe water disposal, and, most importantly, supplying your customers with the freshest blooms around!